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1099 Forms: The ABCs of Tax Reporting

1099-B Form Filing

Ever happened? You received a pile of 1099 forms with different series. It can feel overwhelming. If you have gone through it, you know the pain of handling these tax documents. It feels like 1099 B Form, 1099 NEC Form, and more are banging on your head. But, hey! Don’t sweat it! This blog will help you get out of tax reporting trouble. If you don’t understand these forms right now, you will get them by the end of this post.

What is 1099 B? 

1099 B Form means a tax document used in United State to report interest income.  These forms are typically issued by financial institutions such as banks, brokerages, and credit unions. 

Important 1099-B Notes:

1099-B is a crucial file for businesses involved in barter exchanger proceeds. Below is some crucial  information you should keep in mind while dealing with these forms. 

  • Deadline: March 15 of the following year is the deadline for Form 1099-B. If you fail to file this Form, you will encounter a notice of CP2000 from the IRS for under-reporting your income.
  • Copy to recipient: Once you file copy A of 1099-B with the IRS, you must provide copy B to the recipient.
  • State filing requirements: In addition to federal filing, you may need to file 1099-B forms with your state tax authority. The requirements vary by state. Let’s say you are in New York. So, according to state tax laws, you must file a 1099-B from local tax authorities. Additionally, if you aren’t an NYS resident and the transaction occurred in the state, you need to file it with the NYS tax department.

When Must a Broker or Barter Exchange File 1099 B Form?

These forms are typically filed by a barter exchange or broker for each person they facilitate:

Sold Assets Through Broker: 

The barter exchange or broker has to file a form 1099-B for the person who sold assets to them. It can include:

  • Stocks 
  • Commodities
  • Regulated futures contracts 
  • Foreign currency contracts 
  • Forward contracts 
  • Debt instruments
  • Securities futures contracts, 

In exchange for money.

Received Asset or Cash From a Corporation:

If a person has received assets or cash from a corporation, the broker or exchanger service involved has to file a Form 1099 B for it. 

Fast Fact: The corporation must have recently undergone a significant change in ownership or structure.

Exchange of Goods and Services:

Brokers or barter exchanges have to file Form B with each person who exchanges items or services through them. Its basically the concept of exchanging property without using money. However, the exchanger service needs to report this to the taxation department. Additionally, they need to provide both parties a copy of this report. 

How to File 1099-B Form Online:

Now that you have all the information required for 1099-B, it’s time to collect them and file your tax return. There are multiple methods to file this form along with other 1099 forms. So, here are the details:

IRS E-File:

The most common method is IRS e-file. Use software to prepare the 1099-B Form and file it electronically. It is generally most secure way to file taxes with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). If you prefer this method, use E-File Work Force Payroll software. It come with an easy to use interface and multiple form submission options to make the whole process a breeze. 

IRS E-Filing Using Third-Party Service:

You can also file 1099-B online via a third-party service. Most of the companies in New York charge a basic fee to file these forms on your behalf. A trusted service to count on is Tax King Service. It comes with 24/7 customer support and reliable accounting services. Even if you are puzzled by tax calculations and documents, they are a good solution. 

Paper Filing:

The least used method is paper filing. Yet, it is an effective way to file your 1099 forms. However, some rules apply to paper filing:

  • You can only paper file your taxes if you have less than ten forms. IRS still encourages us to file these electronically. 
  • Copy A should be submitted to the IRS in red print. Additionally, it should be scanable.

It is recommended that you file electronically, as the majority of people do.

Wrap Up:

1099-B is not rocket science, nor is the whole series of 1099. Although filing multiple forms to report income from different sources can be crushing. If you are facing an issue to file these forms, try using software like E-File Work Force Payroll. The software is enriched with different 1099 forms and listicle options to help you easily file your taxes. Remember, filing taxes is a requirement by law and failing to do so can cost you a lot. 


What is 1099-B for?

Form 1099-B is basically to report broker or barter exchange proceedings to the IRS. This form is a must-report document for borkers and barter exchanger services. Additionally, there are certain requirements to fulfil in order to stay compliant with the law. For instance, you must send a copy B to the recipient once you file it with the IRS. 

What is 1099-B notice?

A 1099 notice is a tax document sent to the IRS as a report of sale from a barter exchanger. It normally covers the sale of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and certain capital assets. 

It provides information about:

  • Sale proceeds: The total amount received from the sale.
  • Cost basis: the original purchase price of the asset.
  • Capital gains or losses: If you sell something at higher prices than your purchase, it will count as capital gain and vice versa. 

What is 1099-B for futures contracts?

1099-B Form used for future contracts is used to proceed from the sale of future contracts. This Form will include information such as proceeds from the sale, cost basis, and capital gain or losses. 

Why does my 1099-B not show tax withheld?

1099-B is for profit on investment. In other words, it is a kind of interest in capital. As there is nothing to withhold tax from your income, the form doesn’t show tax withholdings. However, it shows the cost basis and details of losses and gains. This form can reduce your taxes. If you have a low gain on investment taxes, they will be low as well. 

Is crypto reported on 1099-B?

No, the crypto isn’t reported on any 1099-B. In fact, crypto hasn’t been reported in any form yet. Although in upcoming years, including 2025, crypto will be reported on 1099-DA. This form will also include gain and loss on digital assets. The IRS has released the first draft for 1099-DA but the form isn’t officially included. 

Where is the control number on 1099-B?

You can find your control number on the 1099-B Form. There will be other information along with this number, including your contact and account information. The purpose of the control number is to allow you to import data into tax-filing software.

Delphia J. Devlin is a professional content writer with expertise in eFile and tax accounting software. With several years of experience working at E-file Workforce Payroll, she specializes in creating insightful and practical content for the payroll and accounting industry.

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